Name * First Name Last Name Church Name * Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Shipping Address for the Order? * Do you currently work with a Tack Represenative? Please choose one below Stacey Fields Chelsea Coulter Matt Freeman Hunter Dillard I don't see the person I usually work with What week are you going to Falls Creek? * Please Choose One Below WEEK 1 (June 3-7) WEEK 2 (June 10-14) WEEK 3 (June 17-21) WEEK 4 (June 24-28) WEEK 5 (July 1-5) WEEK 6 (July 8-12) WEEK 7 (July 15-19) WEEK 8 (July 22-26) Which design would you like? * Please choose one below Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4 Design 5 Design 6 Design 7 I'd like to do a custom design! How many shirts will be in your order? * 24 25-48 49-72 72 or more Shirt Color Preferred? * Design upgrade? * No upgrades please Add my church name to the front Add my church name to the back Add a sleeve print T-shirt Upgrade? * No t-shirt upgrades Upgrade to a Soft-Style Upgrade to a Comfort Colors Other Notes or Specifics Thank you!